Top 10 Roles of Export Merchandiser | Texhour
The role of an export merchandiser is to execution of the export order right from order placement to shipment of the goods. The responsibility of an export merchandiser is to coordinate all other department activities together to complete the order within a given time.
Top 10 roles of export merchandiser:
The role of an export merchandiser is to execution of the export order right from order placement to shipment of the goods. The responsibility of an export merchandiser is to coordinate all other department activities together to complete the order within a given time.
In the apparel export industry, the top merchandiser duties are,
Keep on track
Decision making
Regular meetings
Maintaining the reports.
1. Communication:
The export merchandiser has to communicate with several departments and many professionals in the apparel industry. The several departments like sourcing and purchasing department, accounts department, production department, and shipping department. The professionals like existing buyer, new buyer, higher authorities, assistants, suppliers, and labors.
2. Planning:
TNA Plan, critical path or order scheduling, requirements and execution of the order is planned by the export merchandiser. Yarn purchasing, knitting, dyeing, printing, sampling, production process, inspection are also programmed by the merchandiser.
3. Keep on track:
The export merchandiser has to track whether each and every task had completed on time or not, if there is any problem occurred the solution has to be made to solve the issue. The several processes like knitting, dyeing, printing, sampling, garment production and shipping. The production has to be start after the approvals of the buyer or buying house.
4. Decision making:
In the apparel industry several decision on order processing are made by the merchandisers. Like selection of buyers, sourcing and buying accessories, approvals for fabric, color, printing, packing & selecting the suppliers. If there is any problem in order execution the timing period is extended by the merchandiser with the knowledge of the buyer.
5. Sourcing:
Sourcing also a part of the export merchandiser but nowadays buyers have a great aware on sourcing. The buyer on their own they source the exact accessories for low price, good quality and no approval is required. The buyer informs the merchandiser just to follow and purchase the accessories.
6. Negotiation:
One of the tricky spot in the apparel industry is negotiation which is done by the merchandisers. It is an activity of convincing, bargaining and agreeing with the buyer. Some of the negotiate parts are price, approvals, quality, quantity and shipment timings.
7. Costing:
In the apparel industry, Costing is done by merchandiser along with the higher authorities. Costing is the process of estimating or determining the cost of the product and revenue price. After the estimation of costing the negotiation part start with the buyer. To accurate costing the merchandisers want to update the current prices and crisis.
8. Coordination:
Coordination is one of the important parameter for the merchandiser. In the apparel production process the probability of difficulties are high and this may lead to affect the production process. If there is any problem the merchandiser has to coordinate with the team to complete the task successfully in a particular time.
9. Regular meeting:
The merchandiser has to conduct a weekly meeting with the production and other related departments to know the status of the order. If there is any problem in the production the alternative solution has done by the merchandiser or production manager to solve the problem. The Merchandise has to attend a meeting with the boss or buyer for reporting the status of the order.
10. Maintaining the reports:
The documents like Order sheets, testing reports, approvals, inspection Reports and buyer communications are maintained by merchandiser. The documents can be maintained properly by making separate files like buyer wise, order wise, approval files, testing report files, communication files and this can be very helpful for analyzing the order.
Forecasting, product development are also important duties of the merchandiser. By understanding these duties you will be the much skilled merchandiser in the apparel industry.