Bill of Lading (Shipping Documents) | Texhour
After receiving the mate receipt the document of bill of lading is issued by the shipping company. Bill of lading is the official receipt for the shipment of goods to the port of destination. The main purposes of bill of lading are contracted for the transportation of goods.

Bill of lading:
After receiving the mate receipt the document of bill of lading is issued by the shipping company. Bill of lading is the official receipt for the shipment of goods to the port of destination. The main purposes of bill of lading are contracted for the transportation of goods.
The types of bill of lading are,
- Claused Bill of Lading
- Clean Bill of Lading
- Trans-shipment Bill of Lading
- Stale Bill of Lading
1. Claused bill of lading:
If it is qualified with poor remarks like damaged box, damaged carton etc are called Claused bill of lading.
2. Clean bill of lading:
If it is qualified with good remark without any complaint or damage, it is called clean bill of landing.
3. Trans-shipment bill of lading:
The shipping company issues the trans-shipment bill of lading if they use their own transport facilities in addition.
4. Stale bill of lading:
The bill of lading is submitted to the bank or consignee before the last date passes otherwise the document is not valid. This is termed as stale bill of lading.